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Cultivation Of Maize(Corn) In India And Its Benefits

Maize or Corn is one of the fastest-growing cash crops in the World, and it is the third-largest grown crop in India. The Maize is grown largely in Indian states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharastra, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar etc.,
Cultivation Of Maize(Corn) In India And Its Benefits

Maize is grown in every climatic condition in India, but it is mainly grown in areas which are associated with tropical and warm temperature. Maize is grown in temperature ranging from 20 degrees to 30-degree Celsius. It is grown in an area having rainfall of about 50 to 100 Centimetres annually. Maize is grown mostly before the Monsoon season in India. 

This Crop cannot be grown in higher latitudes because of Frost, so the Crop is grown in about 150 days in a year.

Cultivation Of Maize

Soil And Land Preparation in Cultivation Of Maize

Maize is grown in India in any type of Soil but particularly it is grown in Sandy Loom and clay soil, the PH level of the soil should be around 5.5 to 8.5. 

The drainage capacity shall be adequately prepared, and the crop is grown in a soil which is suitable and which can produce a high yield.

Cultivation Of Maize(Corn) In India And Its Benefits

The Land is prepared by destroying the remains of the Previous Crop and it should be free from Weeds, the land should be given a 3 to 4 Ploughs, drains are prepared in a range of about 35 to 50 metres to maintain it for a very well drainage system.

Organic manure is applied to the soil for high yielding.

Sowing And Fertilizers

Usually, Maize is grown during Monsoon season in Most states in India, the sowing is done in about 10 to 20 cms in a row, the sowing is done in a row by a drill or by the plough.

Organic or farm manure is applied to the Soil along with inorganic fertilizers like Potash, Super Phosphate and Urea is applied, before applying these fertilizers soil is tested.


The area where rainfall is heavy and which is more than 55 Cms the irrigation must be avoided if the crop is cultivated in the area of less rainfall the Maize crop shall be given irrigation in up to 25 days.

Harvesting And Disease

Maize is harvested when the grains are dry and cob is turned green to white colour if the Maize is Cultivated for animal fodder it should be harvested at the dough stage.  

The diseases in Maize cultivation include:

1. Leaf Spot.
2. Downy Mildew.

Variety Of Seeds in Maize Cultivation

Some of the varieties of Hybrid Seed used in Maize cultivation include:

1. Ganga 4
2. Ganga 5
3. Deccan
4. Himalayan
5. Hi-starch 123.

Some varieties of Maize are:

1. Sweet Corn.
2. Baby Corn.
3. Pop Corn.
4. Foodgrain.
5. Fodder for Animal.

Benefits of Cultivating Maize

1. Maize is good for the heart.
2. Maize has anti-cancer properties.
3. Good for Digestion.
4. Maize has properties that prevent hypertension.
5. Maize helps to prevent Alzheimer Disease.

Cultivation Of Maize(Corn) In India And Its Benefits

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